Wednesday, June 18, 2008

4 month doctors visit....

It's so hard to believe but our Tucker is already 4 months old! He's been busy this past 4 months! His doctor visit went well. Dr. Ferrall said we had a very healthy BIG boy :) I was surprised his weight didn't go up more but he's still in the 85% percentile for weight at 17 lbs. His height shot up quite a bit to 25 3/4 inches long! Everything else checked out fine. We talked a bit about his wheezing/snorting and the rash he's had on his belly but Dr. F didn't seem too worried about either. Hopefully the cold or whatever is causing the breathing issues will work itself out and his skin seems to be clearing up on it's own. Unlike himself though he cried throughout the appointment once Dr. Ferrall started poking and prodding. I was actually surprised b/c he rarely cries. ( I think he just remembers his last appointment and what followed seeing the doctor - seeing the nurse with the many needles!!!) So by the time the nurse came in he was already pretty upset. He had to drink a nasty rotovirus shot and then got 3 sticks in the leg. Poor baby! He calmed down quickly after it was over. I took him home after that and we had some good snuggle time. Luckily he didn't have any adverse reactions to the shots and was back to normal by Tuesday! 2 more months before our next visit ...the big 6 month visit!!!

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